We're Moving Again

We've spent most of the last three years in Korea. In a few short months, we're moving. Hopefully we can plan things better than last time. But even with the luxury of foresight, it's a strange thing to uproot, to know that a few months from now, we'll be elsewhere. We're leaving. It's bittersweet.

I don't want to call Korea home, but I've definitely hung my hat here. And I will miss it when we're gone. I'll miss the whole experience that is this country. I'll miss scaring small children with my hideous, western visage. Although, what am I thinking... unless we move to Sweden, I'll be doing that anywhere. I'll miss tteok and chicken maru and all the wacky madness that is Korean pizza. I'll miss Mr. Universe and our sometimes fluid schedules. I'll even miss the Larva.

Not the bugs, though. I suppose there's that.

I've been trying to think of a way to describe the experience that is Korea. The best I came up with is that this place is like diving into an Uncanny Valley. It's so close to life in the States, the differences become bizarre. But in a good way. Like a friend with endearing but unsettling habits. It's baffling and wonderful.

Car Octopus
Car Octopus
These kind folks wandered up to us and wanted to trade pictures.  They were awesome.
These kind folks wandered up to us and wanted to trade pictures. They were awesome.
Gyeongju Castle Ruins
Gyeongju Castle Ruins

I'm going to miss this crazy place. But I know I'll soon be distracted by all new adventures. We'll be wandering through Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. And if we're very lucky, we won't even get Dengue Fever (no worries, we're bringing LOTS of bug spray).

But now I'm left with a problem. Back when this all started, we moved around the world with nothing but the contents of about three suitcases. I remember thinking we'd never, ever be able to pare down our lives to something that small.

Oh, how silly I was.


That's my beloved Kelty. It's a also going to be my sole luggage for this next leg of our journey. Because we won't have closets, won't have drawers and storage. We'll be living off the things we can carry. Which means it all has to fit on my back.

And I'm a little freaked. What do we do with all our other clothes? Is it worth the cost to ship them home? How am I going to fit my laptop in there, and keep it safe while I'm bouncing around southeast Asia? And our camera? And we're going into monsoon season, which means everything I own is getting very, very wet.

It's a lot to plan for. A hiking pack just doesn't seem like enough space to fit a whole life.

And on the other hand, it feels just right.
